It Had to be Green
Of course our logo had to be green!
Like any other new organization, one of the things Gifting Sense worked hard at was developing a great logo. We wanted something simple but engaging. We wanted it to have personality and substance. Above all – we wanted it to visually convey the idea that one of the best gifts parents can give their children is the habit of thinking before buying. You see, our free safe mobile surveys turn shopping for holiday and birthday gifts into a tool – to help parents teach their kids about financial literacy.
Thanks to Niilo, we think we got the design we were looking for. Then came the stumbling block – what color should it be? Color is more expensive to print so were committed to only using one. (Seeing as we are in the business of teaching kids how to be more careful with money – you can guess we are pretty careful with our own.) We tried a lot of different variations. At the end of the day, we settled on green. And then we realized – it had to be green!
Our process is designed to ensure that kids only ask for gifts they will really use and appreciate. We help children and families take the best care of their money, themselves, and even the planet because if enough people use Gift Surveys when making shopping or wish lists – there will be a LOT fewer unwanted and underappreciated gifts in landfills everywhere. We might be one of the greenest organizations around. How could our logo be any other color?
If enough people use our process, there will be a LOT fewer unwanted and under appreciated gifts in landfills everywhere.
Our gift-wrapped light-bulb tells everyone who sees it, we’ve got the best present of all for you and your family, a really good idea. And, it is really very easy to implement! Our quick but meaningful mobile surveys can help replace disappointment and waste with thoughtful happiness. They are gift-wrapped in the life-long learning that begins with more carefully considering everything that goes into choosing and buying holiday and birthday gifts. If you are curious about how a free online service can accomplish that much, click on one of the buttons below to learn “How it Works” and then “DIMS SCORE® Calculator” with one of our Gift Surveys today. Great logo huh?