What Gifting Sense Families Know

This New Year, aside from financial market doom and gloom, social media and periodicals are filled with more ways than ever to improve your life. January is the month to de-clutter, cleanse, and budget your way to a simpler more satisfying existence – if only you can find time to place all your belongings in the center of the room in order to determine which of them remain meaningful; shop for and then prepare 5-10 fresh fruits and vegetables a day; and write down every penny spent over a ten-day period in order to clearly illustrate to yourself how much money you are wasting.
While we don’t dispute that these suggestions can yield some good results, we also know that in most households, time is short and commitments are high. By the time you’ve put away your holiday decorations, returned, exchanged or stored for re-gifting items received that didn’t quite hit the mark, done the laundry, driven everyone to swimming, skating, baseball, choir, hockey, dance class, or basketball practice, all you want to do with any spare time is order in some take-out and watch TV.
In just two minutes your kids can answer almost every question you would like to ask them before agreeing to spend money. Skeptical? Test-drive a Gift Survey today and see for yourself how straightforward it can be to get your kids to think before they buy.
But Gifting Sense families know that there is one small change you can make this year, that can really help get your children into the habit of thinking before buying – and they know it honestly only takes two minutes at a time. This week’s blog is the shortest ever – there is little else to read because we want to free up the next two minutes for you to learn what they know by getting started and test driving a Gift Survey today (just click the magenta “DIMS SCORE® Calculator” link below).

Imagine how different the next “Could I please get….?” conversation would be if your kids had already calculated the cost-per-use or cost-per-wear of the new boots they want? Wouldn’t you be happier to have a conversation about going to the NBA All-Star Game if your son or daughter understood the full cost of that experience, including the safe transportation, snack and souvenir costs – and not just the price of a ticket?
Our Gift Surveys contain straightforward fundamental questions that really help kids figure out if they will use and appreciate something before anyone buys it. They take less than two minutes to complete and they are free. So lets make 2016 the year that as many kids as possible understand that parents will always be happier to help them shop if time is taken in advance to ensure everyone’s money is being spent wisely. Maybe next January, if none of us has to return holiday gifts, we’ll have time to clean out a closet.