Discover Why Spending With a Plan is Fun and Worth It!

Calculate Your DIMS SCORE®!
Click on what you want to buy to get started.Calculate Your DIMS SCORE®!
Click on what you want to buy to get started.
We help young people think before they buy.
Gifting Sense is an early financial education non-profit organization that empowers young people to make thoughtful, informed decisions about spending, gift-giving, and receiving.

Gifting Sense is growing. Check back early next year to learn more.
How It Works
Our process is FREE and SAFE. No personal info, sign-up, or payment is needed! In a few minutes, you can learn how to ask and answer simple questions about items or experiences you want to buy. This helps you have informed, productive conversations about spending at home or in the classroom.

Identify the purchase
Are you considering buying an item (sports equipment, electronics, clothing, toys...) or an experience?

Research its full cost
How much will sales tax and shipping add to the cost of a new phone? How much will safe transportation, snacks, and souvenirs add to the total cost of going to that concert or pro sports event?

Evaluate your purchase use
This is a chance to think about how much you will use or appreciate this purchase.

Share your summary
Time to show your work! Share your DIMS SCORE® and all the math and thinking that went into it. Use your DIMS SCORE® report to guide a relaxed, productive conversation about spending.
Key Benefits
Reduce Waste
Families stop wasting time and money buying unused/ unremarkable clothes, sports equipment, toys, or tickets. Fewer items end up in landfills.